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Buy British is a bonkers reason for Brexit

by Hugo Dixon | 29.11.2019

PM’s latest reason for Brexit is that it will let the government bail out bust firms and buy British. Did he learn nothing from Thatcher?


Live animal pledge ain’t what it seems

by Nick Kent | 27.11.2019

Listen carefully to PM's weasel words. He doesn't say he "will" end live transport of animals just that he "can". What's more, we don't need Brexit to tighten the rules.


A dis-service to 80% of our economy

by Andrew Gowers | 27.11.2019

Michael Gove claims a bright future for our world-beating services industries after Brexit. This is a dangerous delusion.


Political declaration is template for vassalage

by Hugo Dixon | 27.11.2019

PM says in his manifesto that we won’t be a rule-taker. But he’s agreed the opposite in the draft deal he hopes to nail down by end of next year.


Johnson can be toppled by tactical voting

by Andrew Gowers | 26.11.2019

He’s one of 7 Big Brexiter Beasts who are vulnerable if anti-Tory voters club together. Others include Raab, Duncan-Smith and Redwood.