Latest Tory Mayhem gives pro-Europeans more upside than risk
Of 4 main scenarios - PM gets a grip, hangs on by fingertips, a new Tory PM or an election - 3 increase chance of stopping Brexit.
10 reasons ‘no deal’ Brexit would be bonkers
No deal is definitely not better than a bad deal. It would be chaos.
The SNP manifesto: Scotland in Europe?
SNP is on the defensive but its views about Brexit matter - especially if the Tory lead narrows further and there’s a hung parliament.
Could Scotland quit UK and not even try to join EU?
SNP is using Brexit as excuse to call new independence referendum. But it’s being coy about whether it would want to be back in EU.
Cocky Brexiters casually threw our 300-year union up in air
During referendum, Johnson et al dismissed risk that Brexit could lead to Scottish independence. Now they are ill prepared to stop it.