Leadsom leads to worst trade outcome
Would-be PM wants to trigger Article 50 as soon as possible. But her trade strategy is bad for Britain.
UK fishermen would be worse off outside the EU
Critics say that EU policy harms the industry — but it ensures fishing’s future
Yet more economists warn against Brexit
The National Institute for Economic and Social Research is the latest organisation to warn that a Brexit would be economically damaging.
Treasury estimate of Brexit damage rings true
Report finds we could be anywhere from 3.4% to 9.5% of GDP worse off after quitting EU. These estimates seem credible.
It’s the economy stupide!
10 reasons why a Brexit could put British households’ family finances in peril.
Hannan wrong on Norway’s EU deal
Tory MEP misrepresents the source of some highly dubious statistics. Norway has to apply EU law without any say in it.
No evidence of a better deal outside EU
Nobody really knows what a post-Brexit UK deal might look like. But none of the existing models seem attractive.
UK should not copy Canada
“Maple leaf model” of EU relations would be significant economic setback for UK - and would replicate Brexit bugbears
Norwegians pay about as much as Brits to access EU
InFacts analysis shows that Norway’s per person net contribution to Europe is roughly the same as the UK’s.
MEP combats Brexit myths with UKIP fantasies
UKIP MEP William Dartmouth says UKIP never backed the Swiss model. It did in its 2010 manifesto.