More global influence outside EU? Just look at ICJ decision
Loss of UK judge on international court is early sign that Leave promises of greater international influence after Brexit were deluded.
Weekly round-up: Scotland, trade deficits, £36bn divorce
InFacts looks back at all the Brexit developments in the week from August 6 to 11.
The great Scotland-London wrestling match
Talks between London and Holyrood over EU powers will likely get heated, with Scottish resistance capable of destabilising Brussels talks.
So, prime minister, what does “no deal” really mean?...
Theresa May’s latest mantra is “no deal is better than a bad deal”. But she won’t say what a bad deal is or what no deal would entail.
Voting Leave = Losing control
Out camp calls itself Vote Leave Take Control. But in battling terrorism and Putin or fighting for industry, quitting means less control.