Which Brexiters are hypocrites on EU citizens’ rights?
During the referendum, Leavers defended EU migrant rights. Now many pro-Brexit MPs aren’t practising what they preach. Read our dossier.
This is about parliament’s sovereignty not thwarting Brexit...
Brexiters vowed to take back control. So why is the government trying to stop parliament having a proper vote on final deal?
Why MPs shouldn’t overturn Lords’ amendment on EU citizens...
Clause isn’t just good for EU citizens; it will also help Brits in rest of EU, benefit our economy and get Brexit talks off to good start.
One more heave needed to get proper vote at end of Brexit
Lords seem set to pass amendment requiring such a vote. It’s still unclear how the government will react.
Lords have right and duty to amend Brexit bill
Whatever one thinks about parliament’s second chamber, peers clearly have the right to amend the Brexit bill - and ask MPs to think again.