UK’s Brexit economy is under-performing and vulnerable
Cut through all the noise and we’ve got a relatively uncompetitive economy dependent on a weakish currency and strong global growth.
Inflation highest since 2012. Thanks Brexiters!
Brexit-induced inflation has hit 3.1%. Meanwhile the decision to leave the EU continues to ravage the economy and impact people’s lives.
Getting down to business
The government’s new openness to input from business is welcome, but it must be more than mere window-dressing
Migration stats bust myths about skills and welfare
New labour market stats show important role of EU workers in the UK economy, while busting myths about taking low-skilled work and welfare.
Tabloids embellish blueprint of EU-Swiss deal
The proposed accord will not reduce immigration and could automatically enshrine EU rules in Swiss law. It’s cold comfort for Brexiteers.
Sun overstates foreign worker stats
Only 17.5% of new hires are foreign-born workers - not 80% - and their impact on low wages is minimal.
EU regulations don’t cost us £600 million a week
Leave Camp figure ignores benefits, and rules we’d keep.