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Leavers are all quitters: undermining referendum legitimacy

by Hugo Dixon | 12.07.2016

Leadsom and Johnson weren’t defeated. They ran away from responsibility. Nobody’s left to hold to account for their false promises.


Still slim chance of staying in EU with May as PM

by Hugo Dixon | 11.07.2016

Theresa May says Brexit means Brexit and she won’t hold second referendum even if public mood changes. But things may not be so simple.


The way forward

by Hugo Dixon | 26.06.2016

Many are calling for a second referendum. The time for such a vote isn’t ripe. Better to push the new PM to spell out a proper Brexit plan.


Sam Cam’s Brexit diary

by Hugo Dixon | 24.06.2016

Former PM's wife reflects about Boris as PM, Gove as chief Brexit negotiator and IDS as chancellor - as things goes from bad to worse after June 23.

Each other state likely to have veto on our EU exit terms

by Jack Schickler | 06.06.2016

Our post-Brexit deal would be technically complex, and easy to derail - making it less likely to be in our favour.