Rachel Franklin

Rachel is Chief of Staff at InFacts. She has previously worked in EU affairs and international relations for a number of leading think tanks and advocacy organisations both in Westminster and Brussels.


May’s idea of connecting EU to US is a bridge to nowhere

by John Wyles | 10.02.2017

The PM hopes to retain influence post-Brexit by being a bridge between Trump and Europe. The idea is fanciful.


UK doesn’t need a migrant impact fund

by Michael Romberg | 31.01.2017

Calls for one validate mistaken belief that migrants are to blame for problems in public services. What we need is to show how they assimilate.

Theresa’s terrible week

by Rachel Franklin | 02.12.2016

5 things the prime minister probably didn’t want to happen this week.


Stigmatising migration is not the solution

by Rachel Franklin | 05.10.2016

The message from the Tory conference is clear: we get it on migration. But that doesn’t make the government’s policy ideas workable or acceptable.


Big money: the key to Brexit guarantees?

by Rachel Franklin | 09.09.2016

What began as an exercise to empower the electorate could further concentrate power in the hands of the wealthiest.


This week: the good, the bad and the ugly

by Rachel Franklin | 09.09.2016

In a mixed picture amid continued post-referendum uncertainties, there was both good and bad news for the economy this week.


6 things Brexit brought us this week

by Rachel Franklin | 02.09.2016

The post-referendum rollercoaster ventures on. Amid all the ups and downs, one of the few things that remains clear is uncertainty.


4 things we’ve learned this week

by Rachel Franklin | 26.08.2016

From the price of bacon to the price of property, the referendum result continues to affect the economy.