Project Fear

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Expert View

A better way to respond to ‘Project Fear’

by David Hannay | 28.12.2018

Listing specific benefits to people’s lives of staying in EU is better than distant economic forecasts. And it reflects badly on any Brexit.


Don’t fall for PM’s project fear

by Hugo Dixon | 19.11.2018

Theresa May is talking out of both sides of her mouth in her desperation to ram her miserable Brexit deal through Parliament.


Project Fear becomes daily reality

by David Hannay | 28.06.2016

Every risk suggested about Brexit was dismissed by Leave as "Project Fear". Yet, less than a week after the vote, we've seen only negative consequences.

Farage’s Top Twelve Errors

by InFacts | 10.06.2016

Nigel Farage has strayed from the facts repeatedly. Here is the dirtiest dozen.

Scottish referendum shows Remain camp needs positive message

by John McLellan | 26.04.2016

Unionists won 2014 vote in part by injecting passion late in the campaign. As well as pointing out Brexit’s risks, Remain needs passion.


Leave camp does Project Fear too

by Hugo Dixon | 05.03.2016

Boris, Farage, Fox and IDS accuse the Remain camp of scaremongering. But they are just as guilty.