Governance & Finance

The legal name of the company that owns InFacts is Referendum Facts Ltd. This is a company limited by guarantee. 

Editorial independence is guaranteed by an editorial board. The members of the editorial board are also members of the company. They have all given money to fund InFacts.

The company is run by a board of four directors, chaired by Hugo Dixon. The others are Mandy Cormack, Bill Emmott and Geert Linnebank.  

In addition to the financial contributions by the editors, InFacts is funded by donations and services rendered to business. The board has agreed the following policy:

    • No individual contribution will account for more than 20% of total financial contributions
  • InFacts will not knowingly take money from political parties or official institutions
  • InFacts will publish the names of all donors who give £7,500 or more in any year

Donors who have given more than £500 include the following:

Adam de Courcy Ling, Alan Wheatley, Alex Large, Algebris UK, Alterarum Foundation, Andrew and Nesrin Tisdale, Andrew Cahn, Andrew Large, Anshu Jain, Aris Zaphiriou-Zarifi, Basil Postan, Ben Stirk, Bernard Oppetit, Bill Emmott, Bruno Mourge D’Algue, Carlo Micheli, Caroline Pereira, Charles Aldington, Charles Manby, Charles Pridgeon, Chris Carter, Chris Patten, Christopher Keljik, Sir Christopher Mallaby, Colm Kelleher, Daniel Hallgarten, David Bell, David de Rothschild, David Fitzherbert, David Gregson, David Hannay, David Quinn, David Ure, David Warren, Davide Serra, Dominic Taylor, Edwina Sandys, Enrico Bombieri, Ewi Shafran, Franck Petitgas, Frognal Associates, Geert Linnebank, Gerard Legrain, Gerry Fox, Giancarlo Garuti, Guy de Selliers, Helen and Ron Freeman, Henry Tinsley, Hugo Dixon, Ina De, Irene Cevellera, Jacques Boissonnas, James Pitt, Jocelin Harris, Joe Schull, John Singer, Justin Kennedy, Karen Mulville, Karl Altenburg, KD Capital, Leopold Henri Schonbach, Linda & Patrick Flockhart, Lorne Somerville, Mark Evans, Mark Fane, Mark Moody-Stuart, Martin Smith, Mervyn Davies, Michael Butt, Michael Grayer, Michael Prest, Michael Tory, Nick Bowers, Nigel Higgins, Oliver Haarmann, Oliver Quick, Oliver Stocken, Patrick Handley, Paul Myners, Percy Marchant, Peter Golob, Prospect Investment Management, Reza Moghadam, Richard Reed, Rob Rooney, Roger de Freitas, Rupert Soames, Saul Nathan, Simon Palley, Simon Robertson, Simon Witty, Stefano Aversa, Stephen Macklow-Smith, Stephen Peel, Tom Glocer, Tom Price, Victor Sebestyen, Victoria Robey, Wake Up Foundation, Will Hutton.

InFacts has billed Unipart for providing media advice and training.