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EU membership keeps us safer

by Jack Schickler | 09.03.2016

Supranational court judgements may be irksome - but are a trade off for international rules to help fight terrorism


It’s the geopolitics, stupid

by Anne Applebaum | 07.03.2016

With Trump advocating torture and Putin buying politicians, this is no time to quit EU. We could end up less free


Leave camp does Project Fear too

by Hugo Dixon | 05.03.2016

Boris, Farage, Fox and IDS accuse the Remain camp of scaremongering. But they are just as guilty.

Criminal reporting on EU crime

by Sam Ashworth-Hayes | 17.02.2016

The figures used by the Express, the Telegraph and the Mail don't show the number of EU migrants convicted.

Carswell wrong on snooper rights

by Sam Ashworth-Hayes | 25.01.2016

UKIP’s only MP says a European court has given bosses the right to read workers’ private messages. It hasn’t.